Gold Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation providing support for young people on the Autism Spectrum and their families.
Our mission is simple: to connect young autistic people to the world around them and empower them through the discovery and uncovering of their individual strengths.
We want young autistic people to be proud of who they are, to go above and beyond, stand tall, be inspired and feel like they belong.
For over 15 years, Gold Foundation has provided a holistic service offering social skills programs for 6 to 12-year-olds, life skills programs and social groups for teenagers and employment pathways for young adults as well as fun events for the whole community.
Our motto is “Discovering the Unique Abilities of Young People on the Autism Spectrum” meaning that we endeavour to focus on young people’s ‘abilities’ vs their ‘disabilities’.
With a close and growing community, we have built our beautiful new home here at Camden Park Community Centre. Our new facilities and rooms are safe, welcoming and in a beautiful, quaint neighbourhood.