We’re Back!
Our team hopes you all have continued to stay safe from COVID-19 and are excited to start easing into the new normal. As you may be aware the South Australian Government has announced the following plan to lift social distancing restrictions from 11 May.
As we technically fall under “Community, youth and RSL halls” we are now able to have 20 people max within a confined space.
We are so thrilled that we will be able to start hosting the following social skills programs starting from Monday, 25 May;
What’s The Buzz 6-8 years- starting from Monday, 25th May for the remaining 8 weeks left of the program.
What’s The Buzz 9-12 years- starting from Tuesday, 26th May for the remaining 8 weeks left of the program.
You Can Do It- starting from Thursday, 28th May for the remaining 8 weeks left of the program.
Youth Group and Not So Youth Group will also be making a return starting in June:
June 5 – Youth Group (16-20) 6.30pm – 8.00pm
June 12 – Youth Group (12-15) 6.30pm – 8.00pm
June 13 – Not So Youth Group 6.30pm – 8.00pm
To book your next Youth Group attendance, please click here for the 12-15 group, here for the 16-20 group, and here for the Not So Youth Group.