Not So Youth Group – Saturday, 14th November

Hey everyone!

Our next Not So Youth Group session will be at Pizza Hut Marion on Saturday, 14th November for our favourite food PIZZA! And honestly who doesn’t like PIZZA?

Location: 489 Morphett Rd, Oaklands Park

Price: This will be free for existing Not So Youth Group Members and $10 for casual members (you will need to pay for your own selected pizza when you order).

Time: Meet Alex at 6pm at the front of Pizza Hut.

Also please RSVP by clicking on the below link and selecting one of the two options by Friday, 13th November.

NB this event is for ages 18+.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Donate today to support the work of Gold Foundation. Your donation will help young autistic people to discover their unique abilities.

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