2024 Program Details
Starts 20 March 2024 until 3 July 2024 (16 sessions). Sessions run from 5pm to 6pm.
Gold Foundation, 9-11 Carlisle St, Camden Park, SA, 5038
Contact info@goldfoundation.com.au or 0455 888 154
$990 for the 16-week program
Download the flyer here
What’s the Buzz? (ages 5-8) is a 16-week social skills enrichment program for for 5-8 year olds on the Autism Spectrum that encourages children to think about how to get along with others and explore the benefits of developing new social skills.
This highly structured, role-play and play-based program is designed to teach children how to think socially and make friendship work. It connects young people and offers them the skills to belong.
What’s the Buzz? is delivered through direct teaching, role-play, quizzes and fun in the context of an encouraging group, and lead by skilled facilitators.
The lesson schedule is presented below:
- Lesson 1: Meeting people and discovering differences!
- Lesson 2: Joining in
- Lesson 3: Sharing and taking turns
- Lesson 4: Cooperation
- Lesson 5: Waiting
- Lesson 6: Making it better
- Lesson 7: Winning and losing – ‘gracefully’
- Lesson 8: Fact or opinion: staying friendly over different ideas
- Lesson 9: working with feelings
- Lesson 10: angry feelings
- Lesson 11: building healthy bodies, happy minds and steady feelings
- Lesson 12: honesty – ‘telling the truth’
- Lesson 13: Saying, “No”
- Lesson 14: Empathy
- Lesson 15: Worry – knowing about it, and dealing with it
- Lesson 16: Time to say goodbye
You can find more information on the content of the program here
If you are interested in this program, please contact info@goldfoundation.com.au or 0455 888 154.
What’s the Buzz? is written by Mark LeMessurier & Madhavi Nawana Parker.